Saturday, December 15, 2007

Deck the Halls with Video Revue!

On this week's show, we talk about some of our favorite Christmas movies and TV specials, along with a discussion of Christmas music...and a special guest star! Who is it?? Tune in to find out!!

I searched in vain for a video clip of Rich Koz hosting The Nutcracker...if anyone out there would possibly have such a thing, I would be eternally grateful if you'd pass it along! And we solved the debate Johnny and I were having about the other versions of "The Clapper": he doesn't say either "toilet" or "crapper." All you hear is the toilet flushing in the background, presumably covering up the word you can't say on network TV.

Here's the show link:

Happy ChristmaHannuKwanzaaDanSolsticeYear!!

1 comment:

Jshizzle said...

wrigley77who does the chipmunk imitataions? They're really good.